Data analysis projects
To help you get started and inspired with social media analyses, we’ve collected a first set of practical projects that provide a starting point. There are a myrdiad of projects and methods discussion around social media data. Therefore, we welcome additional content and have added a selection of chapters below that would make for great contributions.
Analysis methods and tools
This chapter introduces you to rang of different data analysis methods and tools, the perfect starting point if you're new to this kind of research.
TikTok hashtag analysis with JavaScript and Phyton
In this chapter you will learn about the different steps necessary to conduct a hashtag analysis on TikTok: From collecting the data to analysing it with Python and visualising it.
Social network analysis in R and Gephi
This chapter is an introductory tutorial to the broad field of social network analysis. The tutorial includes an example of how to use social network analysis to detect communities in online debates on social platforms like X (Twitter).
Open for contributions
We welcome contributions on a rolling basis. Have you done an analysis or a research project you want to share? Do you want to contribute a primer for a specific method? Get in touch with us at